One ​World ​Builders

Contact Charlie at 212-203-1567


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MISSION STATEMENT: One World Builders maintains a holistic approach to construction encompassing even the relationship between client and contractor. We give fair assessments, answer the phone, return calls and provide  honest and open communication. We know contractors have a bad rep, and we also know how important your renovation is to you, so we engage in thoughtful conversations with our clients throughout the process. Our goal is to create harmony through the design and the materials as well as through contractor and client. We provide hands on, day-to-day site management, detailed budgeting, and accurate timely informative reports. A job site with One World Builders is an efficient, safe, friendly, productive and cooperative environment.
Charlie McDonald was struck by the simplicity of Gandhi’s famous quote: 
“Be the Change you Wish the See”
He founded One World Builders after working in construction his entire life and seeing firsthand the toll to the environment that building can create. As civilization and urban societies become elaborately more and more complex, we move further
and further away from the roots that connect us back to the earth.
Charlie created his company based on his belief that intrinsically we have to connect to the natural world even if we live in a Metropolis such as New York City. Coming from this ecological perspective, One World Builders use sustainable, re-claimed and recycled materials throughout our design and construction. The tendency to invest in cheap, discounted materials rather than products made for the long-term is a sad reality that we do not adhere to. We treat each renovation as if we were building our own home, creating spaces that nurture their inhabitants with excellent craftsmanship and attention to the smallest ergonomical details. We carefully engineer structural and ​mechanical elements that exceed building code requirements.
One World Builders maintains a holistic approach to construction that includes the relationship between client and contractor.  We give honest assessments, answer the phone, return calls and provide honest and open communication. We know contractors have a bad rep, and ​we also know how important your renovation is to you, so we engage in thoughtful conversations with our clients throughout the process. Our goal is to create harmony through the design and the materials as well as through contractor and client. We provide hands on, day-to-day site management, detailed budgeting, and accurate timely informative reports.
​A job site with One World Builders is an efficient, safe, friendly, productive and cooperative environment. Most of all, we can assure your satisfaction as we provide master-level workmanship employed through durable and sustainable techniques at competitive prices. We guarantee that in choosing to do your part for the environment, you will in no way be sacrificing quality or money. As tempting as it is to view the earth as a collection of resources and to only think about the present day, with every project Charlie thinks about his children and the effects our actions will have upon them and their children as well.